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Imprint & General Terms and Conditions

Green Card Germany UG, Lindenstraße 507, 10555 Berlin

+49 (0) 456 7890

Vertretungsberechtigter Geschäftsführer: Michael Milotic

Wenn vorhanden: USt-IdNr., DE1234567


Registernummer: HRB 0123

Registergericht: Handelsregister Berlin


Plattform der EU-Kommission zur Online-Streitbeilegung: Green Card Germany UG ist zur Teilnahme an einem Streitbeilegungsverfahren vor einer Verbraucherschlichtungsstelle weder verpflichtet noch bereit.





General Terms & Conditions


1. Services


The services we offer include a registry of the applicants data into the Green Card Germany Registry & Green Card Germany Lottery  and do not constitute legal advice. The decision to grant a visa or issue a passport is made entirely by the foreign missions, or competent authorities,  Green Card Germany cannot influence this decision. Therefore, the obligation of Green Card Germany consists exclusively to provide a service. Our service for Germany is fulfilled once the prepared documents are collected and the applicant is included into the Green Card Germany Registry and its lottery. For all other countries Green Card Germany will submit your application the the consulate and once the application has been processed the documents will be returned to the customer via a shipping company or are collected in person by the customer.We are entitled to assign the execution of the contract in whole or in part to third parties. A contract with Green Card Germany is concluded only when the order has been explicitly accepted. Green Card Germany reserves the right to refuse orders without notice.


2. Prices and terms of payment

The fee is to be paid for the utilization of our services, the reimbursement of visa and passport fees and other disbursements incurred such as shipping will vary depending on the service and current prices, even if this is not specifically agreed on. The customer is able to inform him/herself of the prices on the website and on the order form and upon request by telephone. Green CArd Germany has the right to return the documents and collect the service and delivery fees by cash on delivery (COD). The customer is obliged to pay Green Card Germany the full service charge including consulate processing fees and shipping fees also in the case where a visa or passport has not been granted. Counterclaims can only be offset with counterclaims that are undisputed or legally established. The prices of the respective consulates may differ minimally due to the constant adjustment of the rate of exchange. Payment is due upon completion of the form on the website and the applicant will be included into the Green Card Germany Registry.


3. Arrears


Should the customer receive a Green Card Germany payment reminder and fail to pay it by the given deadline Green Card Germany reserves the right to send any following reminders with an additional charge of 5.00 Euros for the first reminder and 7.50 Euros for each other reminder. Furthermore Green Card Germany will charge the default interest rate of 2% above the current German National Bank discount rate.


4. Liability


Green Card provides all related services within the contract with the diligence of a judicious businessman. Since the decision to grant a visa and or issue a passport rests with the relevant issuing authority Green Card Germany cannot be held liable for refused applications or incorrectly issued visas. Green Card Germany shall endeavour to complete the relevant process as soon as possible after receipt of the order. However, Green Card Germany expressly assumes no liability or guarantee for compliance with any deadlines, irrespective of their significance for an order. The scope of Green Card Germany is limited to the preparation of all necessary documents for the required visas. A liability for the destruction, damage or delay in delivery of the documents to the customer result to claims against the shipping company. The customer agrees to check the documents for accuracy upon receipt, late complaints cannot be claimed retrospectively. Green Card Germany is only liable for damages incurred during the execution of the order, if it is proved that the damages were caused by intent and gross negligence by Green Card Germany. The liability is limited in these cases to a maximum of 500 Euros that (typically expected in this area).


5. Order Cancellation

An order can be cancelled at any time by written notice to Green Card Germany. In such cases the customer will be issued with an invoice and will bear the costs incurred including shipping. Should the cancellation be made after a consultation in our office on the Grupellostrasse 21 Green Card Germany will charge the full consultation fee, Visa processing fees that have been forwarded to the foreign mission at this stage cannot be reclaimed.


6. Other Agreements

Agreements and collateral agreements by which these conditions are to be amended or modified, shall be submitted in writing under the German agreement Section §4 AGBG.


7. Jurisdiction

The contract concluded with Green Card Germanyis governed by the law of The Federal Republic of Germany, any enforcement of claims that may arise from this contract are subject to German jurisdiction. Place of jurisdiction for both parties is Berlin.


8. Final provisions

Should individual provisions or identifiable parts of individual provisions prove invalid, the validity of the remaining terms and conditions shall not be affected.



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